Posts by EdHermit

Mayo Clinic: By the People, For the People

As an intern writing health blogs for various clients at the marketing firm I work at last summer, I had...

[Extra Credit] Classification and Privacy

Hugh Gusterson’s talk on “Secrecy and It’s Discontents” was both informative and thought provoking. Along with laying out the secret...

Social Network Analysis: March Madness vs. Politics

[Project By Emily Hine, Charis Yarboro, Sarah Keener, & Meredith Vertrees] We pulled two identical hashtags for “March Madness”  one...

Data is Best Data.

I think in a age of excitable people and easily offended internet users, the most valuable type of data that...

Pandora[‘s Box] ?

Ok, so I started going through my Apps, trying to be open minded and not accuse every single app of...

Twentysomething? Check! In College? Check! Needs Coffee? Double Check! Send in the Starbucks Ads.

Judging from the ads that I receive on Facebook and Youtube, I think targeted ads would see me as a...

What if Facebook knows when i’ve unfriended someone before I do?

On my Facebook wall, I see the posts of maybe 6 or 7 friends out of the 150 that I...

“And I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more….”

  When I got my Samsung smart phone, I didn’t really intend on using any sort of tracking or fitness...

Big Data, and The Clues to Who I Am.

As I wake, I turn over to silence the alarm on my phone which has waited patiently for me as...