Posts by cheyennet

Commodification & Power

Demographics are valuable data because it is very helpful knowing what audience to target. For example, when shopping online, almost...

Social Network Analysis

Modern marketing for films often involves utilizing social media, particularly Twitter, to reach a wide audience.  One way to engage...

Privacy & Ethics – Facebook Messenger App

After briefly discussing the Facebook messenger app, this is the one I wanted to look further into. When reading the...

Google Takeout

Until this class, I’ve never noticed the how much input I have to big data.  Since there are so many...

Data Visualization: College Graduation Rates by State

Group members- Cheyenne Taylor, Ellen McMullen, and Ward Williams   Our topic for this project is comparing college graduation rates...

Social Network Analysis – Facebook

When I think about social network analysis, Facebook is the main social network that comes to mind. I usually get...

Quantified Self- Fitbit Tracker

I use a fitbit tracker and the fitbit app daily.  The only effort I put into using the app is simply...

Facebook Data Visualization

After looking through my most recent Facebook profile pictures, I see a few ways in how I might contribute to...

So Much Big Data

So Much Big Data

On Friday January 15th, I noticed several instances where I encountered providing information for big data. I also noticed that...