Commodities For Me

I think in such a financially-driven society, the most valuable type of data to the most people is information that...

I’m Valuable!

All those who have felt self-doubt or self-consciousness before, never fear! Your data is incredibly valuable to companies and businesses...

Social Network Analysis

Modern marketing for films often involves utilizing social media, particularly Twitter, to reach a wide audience.  One way to engage...

Privacy & Ethics

One of the games I have on my phone is Color Switch, a generally easy but incredibly frustrating game that...

How can you not?

How can you not?

I think location and demographic data are the most valuable types of data. Through this, all sorts of things can...


I feel like defining the most valuable or marketable type of data is kind of tricky, and it really all...

If I Ruled the Data…

Well, it is hard to say definitively what data is most valuable. We approached last class’s activity with a research...

Data is Best Data.

I think in a age of excitable people and easily offended internet users, the most valuable type of data that...

Privacy and Ethics Post

Privacy and Ethics Post

I rarely ever read the Terms & Conditions for any app that I use, and I’m pretty sure that many people...

Commodification and Power Readings and Blog Post for Monday

Please read the article below from page 143 – 161 for class on Monday. Blog Post: What do you...