MapMyWalk Self-Tracking

The only self-tracking app I use is MapMyWalk. The app uses your location services to track your the route and mileage you walked, and in addition how many minutes per mile you average and how many calories you burn. I first got the app because my dad had it, and it was a cool way to track how long some our hikes were. You have to have an account to use the application (I think mine is connected through Facebook), but other than that you don’t have to input any information. Whenever I want to use the app I open it up and slide an arrow that says, “Start Workout,” and when I’m finished I slide the same arrow and it formulates a map for me. I had never really paid attention to the additional information the app asks for, but there is space to log your food intake, what gear you’re wearing and also to connect other devices. The future of this app does have some potential health benefits. It’s sometimes difficult to know how many calories to intake relative to how many you burn, but this app allows you to enter the food you’re eating as well as tracks how many you burn off. This app does

I had never really paid attention to the additional information the app asks for, but there is space to log your food intake, what gear you’re wearing and also to connect other devices. Because of these additional features, the future of this app does have some potential health benefits. It’s sometimes difficult to know how many calories to intake and about how many you burn, but this app makes it easy to determine calorie/burn intake.

This app does allow you to post to social media. If I had to guess it’s to advertise the app but I think that people enjoy sharing how far they walked on social media as well. It may be motivation to work harder or just to show off.

I enjoy self-tracking. I’m training for a marathon right now and I like being able to track how far I’m running and at what speed. It’s motivating to try to beat my time and distance. I do not post my self-tracking on social media mostly because my running is something I do for myself and not for other people. It does not matter to me whether other people know I’m running or not. I don’t mind when other people post their self-tracking if it helps to motivate them, but honestly, I would prefer not to see their workouts.

2 Responses to “MapMyWalk Self-Tracking

  • cohlfulk
    8 years ago

    Though this app is, in my opinion, mainly used used to track your daily mileage and pace, it is awesome to see other features that can be accessed. I loved the idea of you using this app for hikes. I know whenever I travel, I am constantly asking my friends how far they think we’ve gone, or how far the whole trip is. With an app like this, I would no longer have to ask those annoying questions constantly.

    The idea of having other options based on gear, food intake, and calorie intake is huge as well. This app seems to perform all basic and necessary functions of a daily health, diet, and travel app all into one. It seems to really have the ability to be something special.

  • samanthagradle
    8 years ago

    It is really interesting to me to see these reactions to the social media thing in relation to QS apps. I’m surprised that most people don’t really care to post their tracked “things” to social media, considering how much I see it in my own news feed. So, you see this as a more of a personal thing, where you gain happiness and pride from your own accomplishments? Love it! great post!

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